問1( )内に入るべき適語を番号で選びなさい。
1. Today he ( ) came home at 6 p.m. He usually gets home at 8 p.m.
➊always ➋seldom ➌unexpectedly ➍eventually
2. That’s ( ) good a story to be true.
➊very ➋so ➌too ➍greatly
3. You have( ) the number of my books.
➊twice ➋double ➌two ➍second
4. I have been to Canada ( ).
➊two years ago ➋two years before ➌last two years ➍since two years
問2 下線部の誤りを正しなさい。
1. The all boys and girls there wear their hats.
2. The skiers were all much tired.
3. Almost the passengers felt sick on the plane.
問3 ( )内に適語を入れて、同じ意味にしなさい。
1. It was lucky that I could catch the last train.
=( ), I could catch the last train.
2. The candidate spoke with great fluency.
=The candidate spoke ( )( ).
3. I have never seen such a beautiful beach.
=This is the most beautiful beach I have( ) seen.
4. We had to postpone the sports day.
=We had to put ( ) the sports day.
問4 意味が通るように、( )内に適語を入れなさい。
1. “I like jazz.” ”( ) do I.”
2. “I can’t go.” ”( ) can I.”
3. “I don’t want to study anymore.” “Me, ( ).”
4. All is ( ) gold that glitters.
1. All the boys and girls
2. very
3. Almost all the passengers
1. Luckily
2. very fluently
3. ever
4. off
× put off it
○ put it off
1. So
2. Neither
3. neither
4. not